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Valerie uses her training and intuitive skills to access the healing and guidance required for you. This will be unique to each individual she sees. She has the ability to deliver whatever is needed for the clients highest good.

During a session you will receive a down pouring of angelic energy and messages from the angels who are guiding you with your life path. Sessions are not directed by Valerie but gently guided by the angels and Divine Source.

Within each session Valerie is able to access the root cause of what is going on for you, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Therefore enabling the causes to surface and dissipate allowing healing to take place.

She works with the energy centers in your body known as the chakras bringing clearing and rejuvenation to the whole person. Questions may be asked by you during a session and guidance and information will be given directly from the Angelic realms. Her team of angels communicate and connect with your angels to bring you the healing and support that you may need. Your angels always know what is best for you. It is Valerie’s direct experience, through working with clients, that there isn’t any condition or issue that would not benefit from a healing session.

A safe space is created in sessions allowing you to heal and transform. Dis/ease, (unrest of the soul), is a direct result of stuck energy or suppressed emotions in the body. A laying on of hands and a subtle gentle flow of angelic energy allows the stuck energy/emotion to become dislodged and transmuted. It is not necessary for you to believe in angels for this to work.

Valerie Ford treating a patient © IW County Press

Everyone experiences the divine light healing energy regardless of their belief system. The divine forces that are greater than us wish to bring in more of our soul light, to light up our path and nourish and support us upon our journeys.

Angelic Reiki works hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, groups and the planet. At this time issues are surfacing to be cleared that have their roots deep in the past. We carry the imprints of these at cellular level and they are often worked out through many incarnations. These issues are available to be cleared now, through the ability of the Angels to transcend time and space. Angelic Reiki goes straight to the root cause of an issue, therefore treating the the cause as well as the effects.

Valerie also specializes in healing past life traumas, etheric cord cutting, soul contracts, accessing your soul’s blueprint and life purpose, ancestral healing, the integration of soul fragmentation (soul rescue), soul evolution and growth, light body awakening and ascension and raising individual consciousness and vibration. Working directly, with your subconscious and unconscious mind.  Reminding people of their origins, who they are and why they came.

These may occur during a session dependent on where an individual is on their spiritual journey and as led by divine guidance.

Healing with angelic guidance in person-Bembridge – 1 hour – £70

Healing with angelic guidance in person-Bembridge  – 1 hour and 1/2 – £100

Healing with angelic guidance by telephone – 1 hour – £70
